In an authentic hadith, the Prophet S.A.W said :
" Allah, blessed is He and Most High, says: says : 'O' son of
Adam,indeed, you will not supplicate to Me and hope
" Allah, blessed is He and Most High, says: says : 'O' son of
Adam,indeed, you will not supplicate to Me and hope
from Me excep.t that I will forgive you, in propotion to
what came from you (i.e. your level of sincerity), and I
won't mind. O' son of Adam, if your sins were to reach
in magnitude the height of heavens, and then
you were to ask Me for forgiveness, I would forgive you,
and I won't mind. O' son of Adam, were you to come to
Me with sins that (in their size) almost fill the earth, and
you met Me without ascribing to Me any partners, I
would come to you with its size in forgiveness. "'
takde subtitle ke apek? T____T
subtitle tu yang mana?aku betulkan jap
haha takde ape lah. saja mengusik. ya , Dia Maha Pengampun, bukan? =)
hahahaha..betul tu adil..Dia maha pengampun